Temperature boundary conditions

Temperature boundary conditions#

The boundary conditions are responsible for describing the temperature values at those parts of the boundary at which the temperature is fixed (see Geometry models for how it is determined which parts of the boundary this applies to).

To implement a new boundary conditions model, you need to overload the aspect::BoundaryTemperature::Interface class and use the ASPECT_REGISTER_BOUNDARY_TEMPERATURE_MODEL macro to register your new class. The implementation of the new class should be in namespace aspect::BoundaryTemperature.

Specifically, your new class needs to implement the following basic interface:

template <int dim>
    class aspect::BoundaryTemperature::Interface
        temperature (const GeometryModel::Interface<dim> &geometry_model,
                     const unsigned int                   boundary_indicator,
                     const Point<dim>                    &location) const = 0;

        double minimal_temperature () const = 0;

        double maximal_temperature () const = 0;

        declare_parameters (ParameterHandler &prm);

        parse_parameters (ParameterHandler &prm);

The first of these functions needs to provide the fixed temperature at the given point. The geometry model and the boundary indicator of the particular piece of boundary on which the point is located is also given as a hint in determining where this point may be located; this may, for example, be used to determine if a point is on the inner or outer boundary of a spherical shell. The remaining functions are obvious, and are also discussed in the documentation of this interface class at aspect::BoundaryTemperature::Interface. The purpose of the last two functions has been discussed in the general overview of plugins above.