Author: Lorraine J. Hwang, Ian Rose, Juliane Dannberg and the ASPECT development community

Introduction to ASPECT#

This notebook is based on tutorials by J. Dannberg that provide a basic introduction to ASPECT. This notebook demonstrates the onset of convection and the Nusselt-Rayleigh number relationship.

To run, copy the contents of this directory to your workspace.

Running using ASPECT Jupyter Notebooks tool#

The current version is verified to run within the ASPECT Jupyter Notebooks tool which can be launched from the CIG website:

Running on your desktop#

If you run in your local JupyterLab environment, note the following dependencies:

  • Python 3.8.5

  • IPython 7.19.0

  • Jupyterlab 3.2.1

  • Jupyter widget extension 1.0.0 (see Appendix B)

  • matplotlib 3.3.2

  • numpy 1.19.2

  • tables

  • ipympl

  • scipy

  • glob

Packages install#

The heat flux slider requires the installation of two additional packages.

Adding Jupyter widgets

You should have added this in Step 3 above:

jupyter nbextension enable widgetsnbextension –py –sys-prefix

Installing tables

conda install tables