Donea & Huerta 2D box geometry benchmark

Donea & Huerta 2D box geometry benchmark#

This section was contributed by Cedric Thieulot.

This benchmark is taken from Donea and Huerta’s book [Donea and Huerta, 2003]. The domain is a unit square and the viscosity and density are set to 1. The components of the gravity vector \(\mathbf g\) are prescribed as

\[\begin{split}\begin{aligned} g_x &=& (12 - 24y) x^4 + (-24 + 48y) x^3 + (-48y + 72y^2 - 48 y^3 + 12) x^2 \nonumber\\ && + (-2 + 24y -72y^2+48y^3)x + 1-4y + 12y^2-8y^3 \nonumber\\ g_y &=& (8 - 48y + 48 y^2) x^3 + (-12 + 72y - 72y^2) x^2 \nonumber\\ && + (4 - 24y + 48y^2 - 48y^3 + 24y^4) x - 12y^2 + 24y^3 - 12y^4. \end{aligned}\end{split}\]

The exact solution can then be chosen as follows, if one prescribes Dirichlet boundary values for the velocity using the same formula:

\[\begin{split}\begin{aligned} u(x,y) &=& x^2(1- x)^2 (2y - 6y^2 + 4y^3) \nonumber\\ v(x,y) &=& -y^2 (1 - y)^2 (2x - 6x^2 + 4x^3) \nonumber\\ p(x,y) &=& x(1 -x) -1/6. \end{aligned}\end{split}\]

Note that the pressure satisfies \(\int_{\Omega} p \; \text{d}x = 0\). The gravity, pressure and velocity fields are shown in Fig. 219 to Fig. 221.


Fig. 219 Donea & Huerta benchmark: Results for the 2D polynomial Stokes benchmark, obtained with a resolution of \(32 \times 32\) elements (gravity field)#


Fig. 220 Donea & Huerta benchmark: Results for the 2D polynomial Stokes benchmark, obtained with a resolution of \(32 \times 32\) elements (pressure field)#


Fig. 221 Donea & Huerta benchmark: Results for the 2D polynomial Stokes benchmark, obtained with a resolution of \(32 \times 32\) elements (velocity field)#

The convergence of the numerical error of this benchmark has been analyzed by changing the mesh refinement level in the input file, and results show that the velocity shows cubic error convergence, while the pressure shows quadratic convergence in the \(L_2\) norm, as expected when using the \(Q_2\times Q_1\) element.