Material models#

The material model is responsible for describing the various coefficients in the equations that ASPECT solves. To implement a new material model, you need to overload the aspect::MaterialModel::Interface class and use the ASPECT_REGISTER_MATERIAL_MODEL macro to register your new class. The implementation of the new class should be in namespace aspect::MaterialModel. An example of a material model implemented this way is given in Case 2.3: BA_Ra103_vv_FS..

Specifically, your new class needs to implement the following interface:

template <int dim>
    class aspect::MaterialModel::Interface
        // Physical parameters used in the basic equations
        virtual void evaluate(const MaterialModelInputs &in, MaterialModelOutputs &out) const=0;

        virtual bool is_compressible () const = 0;

        // Reference quantities
        virtual double reference_viscosity () const = 0;

        // Functions used in dealing with run-time parameters
        static void
        declare_parameters (ParameterHandler &prm);

        virtual void
        parse_parameters (ParameterHandler &prm);

        // Optional:
        virtual void initialize ();

        virtual void update ();

The main properties of the material are computed in the function evaluate() that takes a struct of type MaterialModelInputs and is supposed to fill a MaterialModelOutputs structure. For performance reasons this function is handling lookups at an arbitrary number of positions, so for each variable (for example viscosity), a std::vector is returned. The following members of MaterialModelOutputs need to be filled:

struct MaterialModelOutputs
          std::vector<double> viscosities;
          std::vector<double> densities;
          std::vector<double> thermal_expansion_coefficients;
          std::vector<double> specific_heat;
          std::vector<double> thermal_conductivities;
          std::vector<double> compressibilities;

The variables refer to the coefficients \(\eta,C_p,k,\rho\) in equations (1)(3), each as a function of temperature, pressure, position, compositional fields and, in the case of the viscosity, the strain rate (all handed in by MaterialModelInputs). Implementations of evaluate() may of course choose to ignore dependencies on any of these arguments. In writing a new material model, you should consider coefficient self-consistency (Coefficient self-consistency).

The remaining functions are used in postprocessing as well as handling run-time parameters. The exact meaning of these member functions is documented in the aspect::MaterialModel::Interface class documentation. Note that some of the functions listed above have a default implementation, as discussed on the documentation page just mentioned.

The function is_compressible returns whether we should consider the material as compressible or not, see The Boussinesq approximation (BA) on the Boussinesq model. As discussed there, incompressibility as described by this function does not necessarily imply that the density is constant; rather, it may still depend on temperature or pressure. In the current context, compressibility simply means whether we should solve the continuity equation as \(\nabla \cdot (\rho \mathbf u)=0\) (compressible Stokes) or as \(\nabla \cdot \mathbf{u}=0\) (incompressible Stokes).

The purpose of the parameter handling functions has been discussed in the general overview of plugins above.

The functions initialize() and update() can be implemented if desired (the default implementation does nothing) and are useful if the material model has internal state. The function initialize() is called once during the initialization of ASPECT and can be used to allocate memory, initialize state, or read information from an external file. The function update() is called at the beginning of every time step.

Additionally, every material model has a member variable “modeldependence,” declared in the Interface class, which can be accessed from the plugin as this$\rightarrow$modeldependence. This structure describes the nonlinear dependence of the various coefficients on pressure, temperature, composition or strain rate. This information will be used in future versions of ASPECT to implement a fully nonlinear solution scheme based on, for example, a Newton iteration. The initialization of this variable is optional, but only plugins that declare correct dependencies can benefit from these solver types. All packaged material models declare their dependencies in the parseparameters() function and can be used as a starting point for implementations of new material models.

Older versions of ASPECT used to have individual functions like viscosity() instead of the evaluate() function discussed above. This old interface is no longer supported, restructure your plugin to implement evaluate() instead (even if this function only calls the old functions).