Advection stabilization benchmarks#

The underlying PDEs of the temperature and compositional field are typically advection-dominated and as such, require a stabilization scheme, see Advection Stabilization for an introduction for the methods implemented in ASPECT.

We have several benchmarks to test the robustness, quality of solutions (size of overshoots, smearing of sharp interfaces). Here, we give a short summary of the benchmarks implemented:

  • Dropping box (benchmarks/drop_*.prm): This is a simple 2d box with a prescribed, constant, vertical velocity. An initial condition creates a square box with a high temperature, which is advected vertically. See Fig. 191.

  • Rotating Shapes: benchmarks/rotate_shape_*.prm: A collection of shapes in a 2d box rotated by 360 degrees by a prescribed velocity. See Fig. 192.

Both benchmarks have the identical setup in the temperature and a compositional field. The only difference is that the temperature equation contains a (small) physical diffusion term.

Description of benchmark files


Fig. 191 Dropping box benchmark at final time. Left: entropy viscosity. Right: SUPG.#


Fig. 192 Rotating shapes benchmark at final time: Left: reference. Middle: Entropy viscosity. Right: SUPG.#