(sec:run-aspect:parameters-overview)= # Input parameter files What ASPECT computes is driven by two things: - The models implemented in ASPECT. This includes the geometries, the material laws, or the initial conditions currently supported. Which of these models are currently implemented is discussed below; {ref}`cha:extending` discusses in great detail the process of implementing additional models. - The run-time parameters of the selected model. For example, you could select a model that prescribes constant coefficients throughout the domain from all the material models currently implemented; you could then select appropriate values for all of these constants. Both of these selections happen from a parameter file that is read at run time and whose name is specified on the command line. (See also {ref}`sec:run-aspect:overview`.) In this section, let us give an overview of what can be selected in the parameter file. Specific parameters, their default values, and allowed values for these parameters are documented in . :::{toctree} structure.md categories.md muparser-format.md compatibility.md :::