# Using ASPECT-GUI When configuring ASPECT after executing the above steps, it should automatically pick up the location of the parameter-GUI, and will create a new script named `aspect-gui` within the build folder. If this does not happen, it is possible to hand over the location of the parameter-GUI as a cmake variable during configuration (e.g. `cmake -D PARAMETER_GUI_EXECUTABLE=path_to_your_executable`). The aspect-gui script can be executed from any folder either with no argument or with one argument that contains the path to an existing parameter file. The script will run ASPECT with the given (or an empty) parameter file, generate a database of existing input parameters, and open the parameter-GUI program with this database. The resulting window looks similar to {numref}`fig:aspect-gui`. If an existing parameter file was given, all parameter fields are pre-filled with the values set in the file instead of the default values. In the program's main window you can change parameters as necessary, and then save the file as a new parameter file. This parameter file can then be used to start an ASPECT model as usual. Note that it is possible to prepare and execute the parameter file with different versions of ASPECT, e.g. if you prepare parameter files on a local machine, and execute the model on a remote compute cluster. Note however that if the two ASPECT versions contain different default values or parameter names have changed, this can lead to unexpected model behavior or even unusable parameter files. ```{figure-md} fig:aspect-gui The parameter GUI lists all available parameter options, and allows to change and save them into a new parameter file. Input fields know about the type of the variable and will display useful options to change them (e.g. drop-down menus, file dialogs, text fields). The parameter GUI lists all available parameter options, and allows to change and save them into a new parameter file. Input fields know about the type of the variable and will display useful options to change them (e.g. drop-down menus, file dialogs, text fields). ``` .