# Installing parameter-GUI The deal.II parameter-GUI program can be downloaded at , and is compiled using the `cmake` program just like ASPECT itself. The program has no dependencies except for the Qt development libraries that should be available as packages for most Linux distributions and can also be obtained for all major operating systems at . Example steps for installing the parameter-gui could look as follows: 1. Download the program from . 2. Prepare a Makefile by running `cmake .` in the source folder. 3. Compile the program by running `make`. 4. Make sure to set the environment variable `PARAMETER_GUI_DIR` to the directory that contains the parameter-GUI executable (optional). This will allow ASPECT to automatically enable the GUI during configuration. ## Installing on macOS On a mac machine with recent macOS Sierra 10.12.4, Qt development libraries of version 4.x.x at the libraries' official website may fail to install. Alternatively, you can install `qt4` through Homebrew (also see instruction here ) brew tap cartr/qt4 brew tap-pin cartr/qt4 brew install qt@4 or install it through Mac Ports () sudo port install qt4-mac Then you can follow the Linux user instructions provided previously to download and install dealii parameter-GUI. Before running `cmake .`, you may need to either pass the path of `qt4` and specify the value of variable `QT_LIBRARIES` to the directory that contains the libraries of `qt4` or add those information into your `.bash_profile`. For example, for installation through Mac Ports, you can set the following into your `.bash_profile` export PATH="$PATH:/opt/local/libexec/qt4" export QT_LIBRARIES="/opt/local/libexec/qt4"