(sec:advection-stabilization)= # Advection Stabilization ASPECT implements several advection schemes for the temperature and compositional field equations. Specifically, the parameter {ref}`parameters:Discretization/Stabilization_20parameters/Stabilization_20method` allows using one of the following methods: - Entropy Viscosity Stabilization - SUPG Stabilization Both add additional terms to the temperature (or compositional field) equation. We will discuss the case for the temperature equation here. The compositional fields only differ in having a zero conductivity, fewer right-hand side terms, and $\rho C_p=1$. The strong form of the temperature equation reads ```{math} \rho C_p \frac{\partial T}{\partial t} + \rho C_p \mathbf{u} \cdot \nabla T - \nabla \cdot k\nabla T = F, ``` where $F$ is the combination of source and reaction terms, while the weak form - with test function $\varphi$ and L2 inner product $(\cdot,\cdot)$ - is ```{math} :label: eqn:weak-form-for-advection a(T,\varphi) = \left(\rho C_p \frac{\partial T}{\partial t}, \varphi \right) + \left(\rho C_p \mathbf{u} \cdot \nabla T, \varphi \right) + \left( k \nabla T, \nabla \varphi \right) = (F,\varphi) = f(\varphi). ``` :::{toctree} supg.md entropy-viscosity.md :::