(sec:benchmarks:advection)= # Advection stabilization benchmarks The underlying PDEs of the temperature and compositional field are typically advection-dominated and as such, require a stabilization scheme, see {ref}`sec:advection-stabilization` for an introduction for the methods implemented in ASPECT. We have several benchmarks to test the robustness, quality of solutions (size of overshoots, smearing of sharp interfaces). Here, we give a short summary of the benchmarks implemented: - Dropping box (`benchmarks/drop_*.prm`): This is a simple 2d box with a prescribed, constant, vertical velocity. An initial condition creates a square box with a high temperature, which is advected vertically. See {numref}`fig:benchmark-drop`. - Rotating Shapes: `benchmarks/rotate_shape_*.prm`: A collection of shapes in a 2d box rotated by 360 degrees by a prescribed velocity. See {numref}`fig:benchmark-rotate-shape`. Both benchmarks have the identical setup in the temperature and a compositional field. The only difference is that the temperature equation contains a (small) physical diffusion term. **[Description of benchmark files](../README.md)** ```{figure-md} fig:benchmark-drop Dropping box benchmark at final time. Left: entropy viscosity. Right: SUPG. ``` ```{figure-md} fig:benchmark-rotate-shape Rotating shapes benchmark at final time: Left: reference. Middle: Entropy viscosity. Right: SUPG. ``` :::{toctree} ../README.md :::